DapCash today

DapCash сегодня

Актуальный апдейт по нашему проекту. Вкратце расскажем, в каком сейчас состоянии DapCash.
Апрель 22, 2020
Crystal Dilithium
Шифрование, Новости

DapCash внедрил подпись Crystal Dilithium. Почему это круто?

Работа нашей команды над блокчейном DapCash идет полным ходом. Недавно внедрили еще одну совершенно новую и уникальную “фишку”.
Март 23, 2020
Quantum computer
Новости, Квантовый компьютер

D-Wave sold 2000-qubit quantum computer back in 2017

This article tells us D-Wave started to produce and sell quantum computers in 2011. First, it was a 128-qubit quantum
Декабрь 31, 2018
Load testing DAP

We have done the load testing of DAP platform!

Want to know what we did and what results we got? Read our brief report on the test results.
Ноябрь 11, 2018
DapCash updates

DapCash updates

So, we promised to tell you what new and interesting things would appear in our project. Here they are.
Август 21, 2018
What we are doing now DapCash

What we are doing now

The DapCash team is currently developing the Kelvin project. Kelvin is based on the same code as the DapCash blockchain. In
Июль 18, 2018
Блойчейн, Шифрование, Новости, Квантовый компьютер

The first quantum-resistant cryptocurrency DapCash which will survive Quantum Apocalypse

Currently crypto community is highly concerned about such problems as expensive transactions in Bitcoin, large energy consumption in mining cryptocurrencies,
Май 15, 2018
Quantum Apocalipse DapCash
Блойчейн, Шифрование, Новости, Квантовый компьютер

Quantum Apocalypse

There is a lot of talk about the fact that blockchain can’t be hacked, it is impossible to change, and
Май 1, 2018
Блойчейн, Шифрование, Новости, Квантовый компьютер

Interview with Dmitry Gerasimov

We have talked to Dmitry Gerasimov, a blockchain and information security specialist, the author and co-founder of Kelvin and DapCash
Апрель 3, 2018