There is hardly a person who hasn’t heard about blockchain at least something in the last two years. Even people very far from the IT-industry know that there are some distributed ledgers… But how they are relevant to real life? — you ask. Here we are telling you why it is so useful in security.
Information security and blockchain

The technology of consecutive blocks recording changes the approach to information security in many ways.
For example, well-known DDoS attacks on websites servers. The point is that hackers do a huge number of requests to a site server through centralized security barriers. As a result, the server is down, and users have no access to the site.
Creating a distributed security network between the server and users will help prevent such attacks. In this case, requests will be distributed among blockchain nodes. A distributed security network is able to analyze suspicious traffic and block attacks much faster.
Blockchain is also involved in the latest technologies of biometric authentication. This technology is replacing traditional logins and passwords. Biometrics (fingerprints, voice, face parameters) is convenient because it is impossible to fake data and it is unique for each person. Thus, there is no need to set up, remember and reset passwords that may be easily stolen by hackers. It is worth noting that biometric data also requires robust storage and protection. And here, blockchain ensures ultra-secure storage and cryptographic protection of biometric data. Furthermore, it records all cases of using biometrics.
By the way, blockchain technology is used as a distributed storage for any other data required protection.
Blockchain would be very relevant in the field of banking security. For instance, to verify transactions — this could prevent fraudulent withdrawals from accounts. But today, the use of blockchain to improve security in banking is still a kind of experiment. The full transition to distributed networks will require the restructuring of the entire IT infrastructure. Most banks are not ready for this yet.